Driver Knowledge Test


DKT - Driver Knowledge test

The DKT (Driver Knowledge Test) is the first step to getting your license.

You can download a PDF with the DKT questions, so you can familiarise yourself with the questions you'll be asked. Even better, you can practise online, taking the test as many times as you like. 

Once you've got the questions down, you can make a booking to take the DKT test. 

You can get full information from the Service NSW website.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions or for help with any part of the DKT system. 

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  • Manual or Automatic
  • Female Instructor


1.5 hours


2 hours

Instructors You'll love learning to drive!

Our driving instructors are passionate about their work and know they have a responsibility to prepare excellent drivers.

They are there to help guide you through your driving lessons at a pace that suits you. They'll help you build your confidence and skill behind the wheel and make your lessons fun!

Learn more about us here.


The moment it's all about! Taking your driving test can be nerve wracking; we've all heard stories about people who fail time and time again. When you enroll with Drive 2B Alive we prepare you for your new life as a driver. When it comes time to take your test you'll pass because you'll be ready!